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Sunday, February 9, 2025
HomeLifestyleHealthExercise - more you do more you can do!

Exercise – more you do more you can do!

This entry is part [part not set] of 5 in the series Prioritizing three pillars of wellness: Eat, Sleep and exercise!

If I propose a single thing which will keep you healthy and give longevity, a thing which should not be neglected and to most extent it can be free for everyone.

That one thing would be EXERCISE. Now it is time to touch the 2nd aspect for healthy lifestyle Triangle (comprised of Food- Exercise – Sleep). It is equally significant as food and Sleep.

So what is an exercise and what it can do for us?

It has been mentioned before that any physical movement which make you to put some or lots of effort is called an exercise. Range of exercise can vary between leisure walking to going to gym and pumping the iron.

Martin Luther King Jr. said, “If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.”

The matter of fact is “more you do more you can do”.  When choosing our exercise routine, be very mindful of how long you been exercising or not. I have seen people jump into a diet or exercise routine with such an enthusiasm but after a while they stop and gain weight again, so choice matters a lot. One of the major reasons for accidental deaths in older people is from falling and breaking the bones. It has been seen bones become fragile with age and lead to the medical conditions like Osteoporosis or Osteopenia, they both are related to bones losing density and becoming weak with the age. 

Question here would be why this happens? The answer is simple because we stop loading our bones.

We can load the bones via exercise and lifting heavy (it depends on individual how heavy is heavy). Load gets transferred from muscles and tendons to bones. There is no pill or medicine which can do that for you.

We will go deep on this in upcoming articles as how and who can get help from exercise.

Action step from today is

  1. Move more sit less.
  2. Go in the Sun with skin exposed (in the morning and evening).
  3. Do weight bearing/resistance exercise at least 2-3 times a week.
Series NavigationPrioritizing three pillars of wellness: Eat, Sleep, exercise, REPEAT! >>
Vik Singh Dogra
Vik Singh Dogra
CTNC – ITN USA, Adv. Diabetes Educator – Indo-Vietnam Medical board.


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